Harrison County Home & Public Health
Call Us: +712-644-2220
Formed in 2013 specifically in response to the Harrison County 2011 Community Health Needs Assessment.
The purpose was to bring together Harrison County's organizations and groups – health, voluntary/civic, business, faith, education, government, human service, media, philanthropic – as well as interested individuals, to work collaboratively on the health needs of Harrison County residents with a focus on childhood obesity and child abuse and neglect.
The 2016 Community Health Needs Assessment showed the need to keep up the coalition's work on obesity, child abuse and neglect and to get to work on two additional areas – mental health and substance abuse.
Throughout the pandemic, HHC continued to meet and work on community health objectives from a virtual format. Through the last 18 months a new Community Health Assessment was completed with CHI-Health Missouri Valley Hospital. Now we strive to revitalize Healthy Harrison Coalition with new priority areas defined as 1. Behavioral Health Needs and 2. Age-Related Social Needs. Under each of these categories a variety of strategies are collaborated among the coalition such as the Farmer’s Market Voucher Program to increase access to healthy fruits and vegetables also aiding to ease economic struggles. Through Mini Mental Health grants awarded this year, partners like Heartland Family Service is able to provide education to area Senior Citizens through the WISE Programing (Wellness Initiative for Senior Education) at The Crew Center in Woodbine. These are just a few examples of many.
Regular scheduled meetings are the second Tuesday of each month at 11:30 a.m. at the lower level CHI Building and are open to all who are interested in improving the health and wellness of our families, friends and neighbors. For more information or if you wish to join us, please contact our office and ask for David.