
HCHPH Holds an Immunization Contract with Iowa Dept of Human Services. HCHPH designated staff works to increase immunization rates in children, adolescents and adults for all Advisory Committee of Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommended vaccines.

HCHPH conducts school immunization audits in the county and reports results in the Immunization Registry Information System (IRIS).

HCHPH is a Vaccines for Children provider. HCHPH can administer vaccines to children 18 years and younger at low to no cost to the individual.

HCHPH provides some adult immunizations such as Influenza, Covid-19, Tdap and Hepatitis B vaccines.

HCHPH holds clinics in office for immunizations as well as traveling clinics into the county service area. 


Harrison County Home & Public Health

Call Us:  +712-644-2220